Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lovely Sunset

This photo was taken by my friend Abbie yesterday near her house on base.

The sun with royal splendor
Goes forth to chant Thy praise;
And moonbeams soft and tender
Their gentler anthem raise;
O’er every tribe and nation
That music strange is poured,
The song of all creation,
To Thee, creation’s Lord.

~Thomas R. Burks, 1874


CereneOne said...

I love a fiery sky!

Donna said...

Tammy, I love 'em too, but I have yet to see one here! I wouldn't have seen this one had Abbie not sent me the pic.

nwscrapmom said...

I stumbled on your blog after seeing on "Rocks In My Dryer" that you're living in AK, so I decided to stop by and say hello. I lived in AK for 24 years, though never Fairbanks. Your pictures are beautiful. I'm going to bookmark you so that I can keep coming by to look at them (and remember why I left ~ ha!). Just kidding. We loved Alaska, it was just time for us to leave. I'm questioning the wisdom, though, with all the rain and near-flood conditions we've been getting in Washington state! Take care and God Bless!

subarctic mama said...

Nice picture! Glad to find another Alaska blogger.

Gamble Online said...

Alaska Cruises Fire in the sky-literally.