I took the pics above and below one Sunday morning at my girl's boyfriend's house when we were picking him up for church. It was a beautiful snowy morning just after sunrise.
The two below were taken here on Eielson around French Creek
A military family serving in Alaska
glad to see you back, don't stay away so long next time
Wonderful photos of a part of the US quite different than southern California.
Hi! I a from Singapore and had stumbled onto your family blog at Alaska AFB. Not sure if you can see the Northern lights, but if you do, take a picture and let us see it!
I know this blog has not been written in for a long while, but I stumbled onto it on my search for info on Alaska! My family and I are trying to find work up that way and hopefully will move to Alaska in the next little while. We live in Virginia and I just wanted to say thank you for all the helpful info. What a wonderful journey you had, I am looking forward to ours hopefully soon. :)
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